Helpful Links

The Home of Christ Church is not promoting the following links; however, HOC recognizes that some of them may be a helpful resource.  Further, please note that these sites do not necessarily reflect the exact views and beliefs held by Home of Christ Church.

The Gospel Coalition

Equipping the next generation for gospel-faithful ministry and promote church reform and culture transformation. Led by Tim Keller and Don Carson.

RELEVANT Magazine – God. Life. Progressive Culture. is the daily online companion to RELEVANT magazine: covering faith, culture, social justice, politics, music, life and more.

CARM – Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

CARM teaches Christian theology and deals with heresy.

Stand to Reason: Equipping Christian Ambassadors with Knowledge, Wisdom and Character

Organization aimed at building Christian thinkers for the public defense of the faith. Articles, newsletter, online courses, recommended books. A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages

Search the Bible in English, German, Swedish, Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Tagalog, and Norwegian.