主題:可以完成的使命 經文:約翰褔音9:1–7 講員:關國瑞牧師 |
"神蹟Miracle" 對我,是『不可能的使命Mission
Impossible』。 "宣教Mission" 對我,是『可能的使命Mission, I’m possible』! 『趁着白日,我們必須作那差我來者的工。黑夜將到,就沒有人能作工了。』 As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent
me. Night is coming,
when no one can work. (v4) ˙傳福音的五個特點–Mission, I’m possible – ending with 5 … ty:
1. 趁着白日
As long as it is day "機會的"(Opportunity) 2. 我們
We "合一的"(Unity) 3. 必須
must do "須要的"(Necessity) 4. 差我
Him who sent me "責任的"(Responsibility) 5. 黑夜將到
Night is coming "優先的"(Priority) 結語:宗教只能改良人的生活,唯有福音才能改變人的生命– "Human Being –
Being Human "! |