i s P o w e r
Eric Maxwell
Written down by Eric Xu
3:10 and 11:18-20)
still trying to work through this verse here, Philippians chapter
3:10, and we’ve covered the first part of it, which says, “I want
to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of
sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so,
somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” We’ve
been working on this verse and the part, “I want to know Christ”,
and if you guys have been able to be here for the past few weeks,
we’ve made some discoveries about Jesus, and actually we can study
it further by studying who our Lord Jesus is and attaching it to
different descriptions of him of who he is, and we can learn to follow
some of these things we’ve covered so far are that we’ve seen he
was focused, we’ve seen that he had integrity, we saw that he was
attentive to the Father’s voice and that he listened to the Father,
and then the last thing that we covered last week was that he was
compassionate. We talked about having compassion, and the idea of
“Do we have compassion in our own lives? Do we look beyond
peoples’ situations? Do we look beyond the stereotype, and do
we really understand and look at people the way Jesus looks at people,
and He sees the true plight of humanity”.
we talked about that last week and this week we’re going to move on
in this verse from the part where Paul says, “I want to know
Christ”, to the part where he says, “I want to know the power of
his resurrection”. Now lets go ahead and flip over to Ephesians
chapter 1, and I’m going to read verses 18 through 20. It says this,
“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened”, this
is Paul praying for them, “in order that you may know the hope for
which he called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the
saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That
power is like the working of his mighty strength, which is extorted in
Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right
hand in the heavenly realms.”
pray together:
I thank you for this morning, and I thank you Father, for your
thank you, Father, for allowing us to worship you in freedom. I thank
you, Father, that you are concerned about us, that you want us to be
back in right relationships with you and most of all I thank you for
sending Jesus to die for us, and I thank you that we have the
opportunity to be back in a right relationship with you because of
what Jesus has done. So father, I pray that you’ll help us to
understand more about Jesus, and Lord Jesus I pray that we will be
found as faithful followers of you here, and Father, as we look at
this subject today I pray that you would open our eyes and open our
hearts to help us understand what it is that Scripture is saying, and
Father, help us to have the courage to be obedient to what it is that
the Holy Spirit lays on our hearts and how we are convicted. I pray
Father God, that you would just give us the courage to repent where we
need to repent, and Father I pray that you would help us just to walk
according to your word, and according to your will. I pray this in
Jesus’ name, Amen.”
today we’re following along here where Paul says that not only does
he want to know Christ, but also the power of His resurrection. It’s
easy for us to find abuses of power throughout history, and it’s
even pretty easy for us to find abuses of power in the Bible itself
and in the history of the church. I’m sure that I could, very
quickly, get people to give some examples of abuses of power
throughout history and throughout the church itself, and even in some
places in the Bible. I think power is something that we all long to
have, and we all kind of want to be our own kings and queens of our
own little kingdoms and “queendoms”. We want to have the power in
our place. For some of you, it might be your room at home! That is
your place of power and you want to have power over whether you clean
it, or whether you put stuff on the walls, or whether you leave food
in there, or whatever it is that you want. For some of you here your
kingdom may be your car! You can do whatever you want to with your
car. For some of you it may be your cubicle at work! Or maybe it is
your home! You’re the king or queen of your home! But we all tend to
want to have power. It’s a very attractive and appealing thing to
people. Life would teach us that to gain power it takes cunning,
craftiness, and a little bit of shrewdness to do whatever it takes to
gain power. It might’ve taken a little bit of luck, and a little bit
of family heritage probably plays into the ability to have power.
when we are dealing with the kingdom of God, we find that power is
really, when we look at the Bible, what? It seems a little bit
unsettling when we understand what power means in the kingdom of God.
The world is really turned on its head, it talks about things like
“to gain, you must lose”, or, “to get, you must give up”. The
New Testament ethic is basically “if you’re going to be somebody
then you’re going to be a nobody”. So when you start studying the
Bible, you’ll start studying this issue of power. It’s hard
to understand because our common understanding of power is very
different from the Biblical understanding of what power is, and what
it talks about here. No, power is not something that is very foreign
to the Bible. Really, the good and the bad are found here, and one
interesting thing that really tells me that, by my own personal
opinion, the Bible is really true because the bad is not hidden in the
Bible. I mean, it is all there, both the good and the bad. When
we look at the Old Testament, we see the kings vying for power, and
they resorted to all kinds of evil methods to gain power, whether
it’s killing off a family or doing all kinds of craziness. So we see
all kinds of issues of power throughout the Scriptures, but also I
have to say that we see power where we see God speaking creation into
being, and we see the parting of the Red Sea, and we see the story of
Elijah and the prophets of Baal where we see the power of God. And so,
as I began to think about and look at this verse where Paul said, “I
want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection” I began
thinking about this issue of power. How often it’s something we
really seek after in life! Whether you want to be the CEO of a company
or whether you want to be the best basketball player that you can be,
whatever it is, we want to be in a powerful position where you can
point at someone and say, “you go here” or “you go do this”
and have authority. But how does this apply to us as Christians, as
God’s followers, as Jesus’ followers? Because Paul was actually
saying here, “I want to know the power of His resurrection”
there are a couple things I want to share with you this morning. One
thing I really was made aware of as I was studying this scripture,
this first thing is this: that the power Paul was asking about here
and wanting to know is very specific. It’s very specific. Alright,
let’s look at it here. “ I want to know Christ and the power of
His resurrection.” Now who was the ‘His’ that he’s talking
about here? Jesus. And I was you to catch this in this verse because
he’s not talking about just the power that is necessary to raise
somebody from the dead. Paul is not sitting here saying, “Hey I want
to be able to raise people from the dead. I want to know this power,
have this power, and therefore be able to do those things.” In the
New Testament we come across a story of a guy by the name of Lazarus
who died. Remember, and Jesus came a little bit too late, he died, and
he was in the tomb, and Jesus came and resurrected him. We have that
story. We also have the story of our Lord Jesus, who was crucified,
who was dead, who was buried, but then was also resurrected. Now those
two resurrections are very different. And the way that they’re
different is this: when Lazarus was raised from the dead, he lived his
life, and he did what? He died again. When Jesus died, he was
resurrected; He did not die again. He was resurrected where he went
and ascended into heaven and He sits at the Father’s right hand as scripture
tells us. So this power that he’s talking about is a very specific
resurrection power and it is the resurrection power that is only found
in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Now what does this mean? What
is the power of His resurrection? What do you think Paul’s meaning
here? Help me out. Paul’s asking for something here, what is he
asking for? “The power of His resurrection.” “I want to know
Christ and I want to know the power of his resurrection.” I mean,
was Paul making a power grab? Did he just want to have these
supernatural capabilities and abilities? Was that what he was asking
for? What does it mean, “the power of His resurrection”?
the first thing that’s declared. This has been declared: that death
has been overcome. Death has been overcome. There’s hope for eternal
life. First of all, we see here when we look at this power here, the
power of His resurrection is found in the fact that death has been
overcome. The second thing is this: You’re sins have been forgiven.
That is the power of Jesus’ resurrection. Most of the time when we
think about this idea of power, it’s what God does through me.
That’s not the reality. The reality is what God has done in me.
And the fact of the matter is that in Jesus’ resurrection, the power
is that death has been overcome. That when you trust in Him, that when
you pass from this physical life, you can live forevermore. And the
second thing is this, is that your sins have been forgiven. Turn over
to First Corinthians chapter fifteen. This whole chapter is talking
about the resurrection of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the
resurrection body. A great chapter, but in verse seventeen it says
this, “If Christ had not been raised, your faith is futile. You are
still in your sins.” That is the power of Christ’s resurrection.
Because he was resurrected, our sins are able to be forgiven. It’s
not enough that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. And we say that
all the time, we use that terminology. “Jesus died on the cross for
our sins”, and that is correct, but you need to add on to that that
He was resurrected also. If our Lord Jesus was still in tomb
today, He would not be a Savior. He would be like anyone else. But
because He died on the cross, He was perfect, and He was resurrected,
there is forgiveness for sins. So this power Paul was asking for is
very specific. It’s asking for the resurrection power that was
Jesus’, the power to overcome death and forgive sins.
does this mean for us? I mean, you’re saying “Great, Eric, it’s
great that you’re telling me this, but what does this mean for my
life?” The first implication is this: That the future has hope. The
power, really understand that the power of Jesus’ resurrection, is
that our future has hope. And you live your life out of that hope that
you have because there is a future. Look down there to verse nineteen.
First Corinthians chapter fifteen verse nineteen says this, “If only
for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than
all men.” And that’s the point of this. The Point of the
declaration that we have overcome death, that we have overcome sins
because of what Christ has done on the cross for us; the implication
is that we have a future and that we have a hope for when we pass from
this life. The second implication is this: That life can be different
now. And I think this is where it hits us today. Life can be different
now. Your perspective can change. The way you see things can change.
Your behavior can change. Your attitudes can change because Jesus was
resurrected from the dead. Death has been overcome, your sins have
been forgiven, you have a hope and a future, and you have the ability
right now for your life to be radically different. A lot of people go
through life, kind of walk through life. They go, “Yeah, I’m a
Christian, I’m saved”, but if you were to talk to them, you
wouldn’t know any different. I mean, they don’t sound much like
Christ. They don’t look much like Christ. They wear a frown all the
time; they’re kind of down in the mouth all the time. And a lot of
people have this idea that one day when I get to heaven, I will be
perfected, and that is true. Scripture teaches us that. But a lot of
people go through life never making strides to becoming more like
Christ, and never taking hold of the power that Paul was talking
about. “I want to know Christ, and I want to know the power of His
resurrection”. The implication here is that your life can be
different now. No longer do we have to be slaves to the things that
lead us to spiritual death. Scripture talks about the sins that so
easily entangle us. You know what that sin is in your life. That thing
you keep going back to God with, going “God I messed up again,
forgive me”. You know what it is. But there is victory because Jesus
is resurrected.
the second point. First of all, the power is very specific. Second
thing is that this power is offered to all believers. Turn over to
Ephesians chapter one. So we have in Philippians chapter three, Paul
wanting to have this power in his life. And one of the coolest things
here is that now he’s at the church in Ephesus, and he’s writing a
letter to them, and he’s sending it to them, this letter, and he’s
praying the same things that he wanted in his life for the
people in Ephesus. And it says in here in verse eighteen, “May the
eyes of your heart be enlightened so that you may know the hope to
which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the
saints.” So he wants them to know the hope, but he also wants them
to know, in verse nineteen, “His incomparable great power for those
of us who believe”. And then he explains what that power is. He
says, “That power is like the working of his mighty strength which
he exerts when He raises Him from the dead and seated Him at His right
hand and in the heavenly realms.” The point I’m making to you this
morning is that this power is offered to you as a believer. Paul was
praying that for the Ephesians. Paul not only wanted that for
his own life, but he wanted it in the lives of the churches that he
had founded. He was wanting for that to be seen in their lives.
what did that mean in the life of Paul? Paul wanted to see it
displayed in his own life. What did that mean for him? Inwardly, that
meant he was being transformed, becoming more like Christ. Outwardly,
he was giving glory to God, he was bringing others to Christ, and God
was receiving glory through it all. So Paul said, “I want to know
the power of His resurrection”, and then he not only wanted to know
that, but he also thought it well enough to pray for the Ephesian
believers the same thing. So we realize that this power is offered to
each of us. This power is not so that we can boost our ego. It’s not
so that we gain superpowers. But the power of His resurrection is
found simply in the fact that death has been overcome. That should
make you shout Hallelujah! It should make you praise the Lord.
That’s enough! I don’t need special powers! What I’ve been given
is enough. Living out of the knowledge that death has been overcome
and your sins have been forgiven, your life will be powerful. Your
life will have tremendous impact on people’s lives if you will
simply live within that knowledge knowing Jesus has overcome. Jesus
has overcome, and because He has overcome, I am an over comer too. My
sins have been forgiven, my past is done with, I have a future hope,
and guess what, I’m looking forward to the day when I see my Lord
face to face, but for the here and now, I’m going to seek to be like
Him. The here and now can be different. That’s what Paul was saying.
the application of today’s message. Are you a display of God’s
power? Don’t misunderstand me; I’m not talking about you
walking around healing people, or you walking around with special
abilities to drive out demons or any of those things. Are you a
display of God’s power? In my home in Louisiana where I grew up, my
mom collected small things, figurines, stuff like that. I remember in
our living room, we had this case. It’s called a curio cabinet.
Don’t know how many of you are familiar with a curio cabinet.
Basically, it had glass on three sides, and it had these little
shelves and lights. Basically, she put things in there to show them
off. We were never to touch it. Because, I mean, it would get broken
if we were to touch it. We could get up close to it and look at it,
but we had to keep our hands off of it. So those things inside the
cabinet were displayed. They were on display for me to look at. I
couldn’t touch them, but I could look at them. And I liked looking
at them. Because really deep inside of me I wanted to open up and
touch them, and get them out, right? But the point is that they were
on display and I was looking at them. The question this morning is,
“are you a display of God’s power”? Not that you go around
healing people, not that you go around driving out demons, but that
you are on display showing that God’s power has overcome in your
life. Your sins have been forgiven. That your testimony is shared:
“you know what? I used to struggle with this, and God overcame that
in my life; He can do the same in your life”. That is just as
powerful as healing someone from sickness, or driving a demon out, or
whatever else we can talk about.
over to Luke chapter ten verse seventeen. Luke chapter ten verse
seventeen. This is what is says here in Luke chapter ten; Jesus send
out the seventy-two. And they come back to him. “The seventy-two
return with joy saying, ‘Lord! Even the demons submit to us in your
name!’” So these guys were on a power trip. Now Jesus told them to
go out and cast out demons and heal the sick and preach the kingdom
and all these things, He told them to do. When they got back, they
were pumped up. That’s what it says here, “Lord! Even the demons
submit to us in Your name!” Listen to what Jesus told them. He said
this, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you
authority over snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of
the enemy. Nothing will harm you.” Listen to verse twenty.
“However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice
that your names have are written in heaven.” Are you a display of
God’s power? Don’t get full of yourself, saying “God’s doing
supernatural wonderful things through me.” It should be the fact of
the matter is, “Look at me. Look at where I was. And look at what
God’s done in me” and that is your testimony. Don’t rejoice in
the display of power, because that’s what they were rejoicing in!
“Hey, we were able to cast out demons!” They were rejoicing in
that. But what did Jesus tell them? That they should rejoice in the
testimony that they have because of God’s power. He tells
them, “You rejoice because your name is written in heaven.” That
is why you should rejoice. That should be your testimony. And that is
powerful. And if, on the side, God gives you supernatural powers to do
some of that other stuff, then glory to God! But the first place you
need to be living out of is what God has done in your life, and allow
that to be powerful.
right, this is the challenge. Will you pray? Today, will this be your
prayer as we come to our time of response? Will you pray, “Lord, I
want to know the power of our Lord’s resurrection in my life. I want
to know His power. I don’t want to wait until heaven to be
transformed by that power; I want to be transformed now. Because? Not
that I want to have a power trip, but because I want to see Your name
glorified.” Is that your prayer today? Will you be willing to pray
this today? Guys, this may be even more difficult because you know
that sin in your life that you haven’t let God deal with because you
haven’t confessed it. Maybe you haven’t repented of it. But
perhaps that is the one thing that God wants to use to radically
change your life, so that you could radically change other people in
the same way. Satan will keep you bound up. “Oh, don’t deal with
that! That is too shameful to deal with! That is too shameful to bring
out into the light! Others will think less of you!” But the power of
the resurrection is this: When He died, He died for every sin. You
don’t need
to go to God and ask, “God, is my sin on Your list?” Every sin is
there. And there is nothing you can do to make God love you more, and
there is nothing you can do to make God love you less. Guys, I really
hope that you will start believing that. Because you start living your
life, and the power of knowing “I am weak, I need my Lord Jesus, and
you tell people what God did in my life. I was addicted to this or
that! I had a problem with anger! I was a liar! God changed me, and
this is what happened” and that is knowing the power of the
resurrection in your life.
I don’t know where you are. I don’t know what you need to do with
God this morning. I’m not sure where this message may meet you. But
you know what? God does want to exhibit His power in your life.
In the most simple things, God’s power can be displayed. It’s kind
of like going out into nature and taking a moment to examine nature
itself, even closely examining a flower and seeing how intricate it
is, a blooming flower. You may not know what God wants to do in your
life. You may not understand how God can use your life. You may come
to him saying, “God, my life is pretty bland. Eric is talking about
having sins in your life, but I don’t think that I have anything I
need to confess.” If you’re saying that, it may be pride that God
needs to deal with in your life. Our lives should be one that when we
walk out of this place, when we walk out of the door, that when we go
to the place where we eat today, that somehow God’s power is shown
to everyone around us. It it’s not because we just radiate for no
reason. It’s because we’ve been transformed and that we have the
fruit of the spirit in our lives. Love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, gentleness, self – control. When we’re
standing in the line at lunch today and the line is forever long, we
need patience. And when everyone else is getting frustrated, and when
you get up to the lady who’s doing the best she can to do her job,
and everyone else is yelling at her, you speak to her a kind word.
That is the power of the resurrection. And that power can change
people’s lives. That lady may come back to you and ask, “Hey, why
do you smile?” And you can say, “Well you know, I have a
savior.” And the greatest thing you can do for anyone is to share
the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to them. And today, when we pray,
pray “Lord Jesus, I want to know Your power.” Let’s stand
together this morning.